Tuesday, March 10, 2015

ICEF co-location myths

In talking to ICEF and its community regarding the co-location, we have encounter many myths about the co-location and would like clear some of them up.

Myth #1: The co-location is a “done deal” and cannot be stopped.
FALSE: The co-location process requires many steps and has various deadlines. ICEF can still withdraw its request at this time. At this point ICEF has only accepted the preliminary offer. The co-location contract is not complete until ICEF agrees to the FINAL offer which has not yet been made but will be issued on or before April 1, 2015. There still is time for ICEF to withdraw its co-location request.

Myth #2: ICEF did not choose Stoner, LAUSD offered it.
FALSE: On PROPOSITION 39 ONLINE FACILITIES REQUEST FORM submitted by ICEF, ICEF specifically selected Stoner ES as the site it would like to co-location. See picture.

Myth #3: Stoner offered and is freely giving ICEF empty classroom space on campus.
FALSE: ICEF initiated a space request under the Prop 39 charter school co-location process. Stoner and LAUSD must follow the law and offer any rooms for co-location that don’t have a teacher and a roster of 20 students, even if these rooms are being used for other resources.

Myth #4: A co-location would have no impact on Stoner students.
FALSE: If ICEF co-locates, Stoner students would be directly impacted. Stoner would lose space for art, music and dance among other resources. Taking any of these rooms or programs would be devastating to the Stoner scholars and would create discontent among the students.

    These are the biggest myths about the proposed co-location at Stoner. I look forward to dispelling these and more at today's anti-coloocation protest rally.

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